Top Analytic Predictions for 2021 & the Future of AI

The statement that nobody knows what the future holds is only partly true. In analytics, we have some idea of what is about to follow. Are you looking forward to reading all about the top analytics predictions for 2021? Is the future of AI keeping your toes? Then by all means, enjoy! A Huge Shift…


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Top Analytic Predictions for 2021 & the Future of AI

The statement that nobody knows what the future holds is only partly true. In analytics, we have some idea of what is about to follow.

Are you looking forward to reading all about the top analytics predictions for 2021? Is the future of AI keeping your toes? Then by all means, enjoy!

A Huge Shift towards Open Source

If there was just one prediction for the following year, this would be the gigantic increase of the Open Source, meaning computer software that is freely accessible to everyone online to use or modify. Since most businesses have realized they need to be data-driven, they ought to find the best option to fit their needs.

Open Source is cost effective, which means businesses will save a lot of money while enjoying the benefits of data management. Plus, through open source networks you get impressive flexibility.

Let’s not underestimate the fact that tech giants like IBM, Microsoft and Apple have turned to open source communities. This is much more than just hype.

Smooth Access in Analytics

It is of paramount importance for businesses to have easy access to their data. Otherwise, their staff would lack the potential to make prudent decisions.

One of the fundamental AI predictions for 2021 is therefore the enhancement of data accessibility. This will allow businesses to plan out their strategy, and decide based on facts.

Big Data is crucial, no one can argue with that. It is not just a matter of acquiring that data, but also how easy it is for somebody to gain access on the spot.

Data Accessibility for Everybody

As the recent pandemic has shown us, it is essential to ensure smooth supply chain for businesses. This can only happen through business process optimization, which in turns relies greatly on data accessibility.

We cannot look away, the problem is not going anywhere. The corporate world is obliged to come up with sustainable solutions, which guarantee adequate supply for products that make a difference between life or death.

Emotional Analytics

Analytics has been revolutionary in interpreting data, providing insights that help optimize business. However, there is a growing need for even more elaborate schemes.

This is where emotional analytics, one of the hottest analytics predictions for 2021, is brought to the spotlight. Times have changed and we need to get more efficient in understanding human behavior.

Emotion is a key factor. We are eager to take complex data from the full emotional spectrum, including the mood and the attitude, and find how to make that knowledge work in our favor.

Helping Business Brands

Consumers act on emotional motives more than they do rationalized facts. As a result, a brand will only thrive if it takes emotional analytics into consideration.

By adding positive wording and social media consistency into the mix, companies have already been trying to excel in the emotional factor of the market.

They boost brand awareness by constantly enhancing loyalty and building a solid relationship with their client. Through proper data interpretation, however, we will be able to take a step closer to success.

Further Increase of Interest for Ethical AI

In the light of further developing Artificial Intelligence and implementing technology in every single aspect of our daily lives, there is a huge concern as to the moral code required to be put into effect.

It is certain that within 2021, the discussion will only grow stronger as to the ethical principles and guidelines for AI. Civil society organizations, advocates of human rights and leaders of the world, have joined the debate.

Concepts such as justice, transparency, fairness and lack of bias have been troubling tech scientists for a very long time. Now that AI is blooming, moral concerns as to the use of its applications in real life are inevitable.

Moral Concerns in Technology

Ethical AI means that the people deal with the industry of Artificial Intelligence in a way that prevents moral concerns. There is no point in creating something that will be used for malicious intent.

More Advanced Skills

Last but definitely not least, what is bound to flourish as a trend in AI is expertise. More advanced skills are not only welcome, but they are about to become mandatory when dealing with innovation, technology, and the future.

Many people would claim to have deep knowledge on analytics even without the proper background. Technological progress doesn’t allow them to do so now.

Room for Expertise

Whoever wants to succeed in the field of data analytics needs to commit to deeply learning about it. In 2021, the true pros are going to lead the way, making basic data analytics knowledge a thing of the past.

Data science unfolds a magical world full of potential and many professionals will follow that path to build a solid, promising career with a much better pay rate.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, the future of AI is shining brighter than ever before. 2021 will be a great year where innovation is going to offer amazing breakthroughs.

Technology has always gained worldwide recognition, as one of the key elements to advance society and improve the quality of life for all of us.

Through these intriguing analytics predictions for 2021, I am sure that you can’t wait to watch them all come to life.

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