Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker Achille Ettorre

Achille is a leading authority in data analytics and AI. He has spoken at various analytics-themed conferences throughout Canada and the US, working to elevate the profile of the analytics discipline in the business community.

An experienced and thought-provoking speaker, Achille can simplify the most complex topics, keeping his audience engaged and equipped with new approaches to make smarter business decisions.

Informed of the latest trends, Achille applies real-world examples to each talk and enjoys sharing his expertise and professional insights gained while working with DHL, Walmart, and Loblaw.

Icon Graphic Interface showing computer, machine thinking and AI Artificial Intelligence of Digital Robotic Devices.

Achille Ettorre

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Speaking Topics

Achille is available for virtual and in-person keynote speaker events.

People, Process, and Technology

Your business flow consists of people, processes, and technology, also known as PPT. By using this model, you can improve the efficiency of your operations and easily determine the best targets for automation and technology improvement. PPT provides excellent visibility into the interplay of how people perform tasks in processes using technology.

The goal of digital transformation is to improve service to your customers and PPT does this by making it clear how people perform their responsibilities related to tasks and processes. This is a viable method for finding bottlenecks, pain points, and inefficiencies as well as to help point out working well.

Operationalizing Data and Data Quality

Data is your company’s most important asset. However, data by itself is not useful because it must be operationalized. Start by eliminating data silos to bring people and data together to collaborate with integrated information. Data silos create walls between business units, limit cooperation and collaboration, cause data synchronization problems, and result in reports and statistics that don’t match up. Data must be clean and free of validation errors.

Operationalizing data put it to use within the organization. Data analytics helps to bring an understanding of the meaning of this data. Data must be kept safe and private because modern customers demand it.

In this speech, you’ll find out about data silos, data cleansing, and how to operationalize information and put it to use. To be successful at transforming your business, you must understand your data and put it to use operationally. You must protect it, keep it private, and keep it cleansed.

The Global Pandemics Acceleration of Digital Transformation

The pandemic changed the world forever. We will never be the same, and this is doubly true for businesses. The differentiator between businesses that prosper in those who struggled is digital transformation and the effective use of technology. As future disruptions occur due to the ongoing pandemic, climate change, natural disasters, and other events, those that transform their business models including their culture, their technology, their analytics, and their infrastructure will prosper.

Selling Digital Transformation to Your Board

At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years. Those that survive are the ones that figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies. Convincing the Board of Directors and executive leadership is often one of the most difficult tasks that you can face when implementing your transformation.

By focusing on the customer journey and customer experience, you can overcome the competition, expand in the marketplace, improve efficiency, and improve profits. When speaking to executives, focus on business goals such as these rather than technology goals. New technologies are fascinating, but it’s more important to focus on the business because that’s the language of the Board of Directors and executive managers.