How to Get Your Best Aha Moment in AI and Analytics

Have you ever struggled to solve a problem, only to have an epiphany when you least expected it? Did you happen to figure out an important solution or have an amazing idea in the middle of showering or brushing your teeth? You’re not alone! This occurrence is known as the “aha moment,” and it was…


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How to Get Your Best Aha Moment in AI and Analytics

Have you ever struggled to solve a problem, only to have an epiphany when you least expected it? Did you happen to figure out an important solution or have an amazing idea in the middle of showering or brushing your teeth? You’re not alone! This occurrence is known as the “aha moment,” and it was first noted in psychology.

Luckily for you, epiphanies don’t have to be accidental. You can learn to wield the power of conscious-unconscious problem-solving in a couple of simple steps:

●  Find peace. Your mind needs to be quiet for powerful ideas to flourish. Take a break, go on a short vacation, or meditate. Quiet time and relaxation are essential for insight.

●  Let your mind wander. Let go of trying to gain insight. Instead, find peace and inspiration. Let your mind go wherever it wants so that it can find innovative thoughts.

●  Be positive. Don’t pressure yourself into problem-solving. Instead, nurture encouraging, positive thoughts. If you can’t think positively about the issue at hand, shift focus to other things that make you happy.

●  Forget about it. Don’t think hard before making a decision. Allow yourself some time to get away from your problems and collect your thoughts. It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s proven to help.

If you think about it, epiphanies are difficult to have for one simple reason: They are already existing thoughts and ideas that don’t fit your common patterns, so you miss them while searching through the common ones.

The best aha moments happen when you let go of all worries and focus on the things you love. These things reflect your core values, so the ideas you get are driven from a positive source rather than fear and anxiety.

What was YOUR best aha moment? Share and comment!

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